Complementary solutions


SmartJSP as part of its portfolio provides alternative solutions for

1. Corporate Portals and Intranets that allow integrating content, applications and services in an integrated web platform and at the same time offer an integrated self-service channel with advanced features in an innovative model.

2. Document Management where workflows are integrated into the systems allowing human interaction with the applications.

3. Integral Management for Online Government Directive

  1. Basic Online presence : This is the initial phase in which entities enable their own websites to provide online information, along with basic search schemes. (Term for entities of the national order: June 1, 2008 - Term for entities of the territorial order: November 1, 2008).

    -> SmartJSP Solution: Implementation of a Basic Portal based on CMS (Content Management System) for organized and mobile information publication.
  2. Online interaction: This is the phase in which two-way communication between entities and citizens and companies is enabled with online consultations and interaction with public servants. (Term for entities of the national order: December 1, 2008 - Term for entities of the territorial order: December 1, 2009)

    SmartJSP Solution: Implementation of a Portal and Intranet based on CMS (Content Management System) for organized and mobile publication of information, integrated with security and email services.
  3. Online Transactions: This is the phase in which electronic transactions are provided to obtain products and services.

    SmartJSP solution: Documental workflow/BPM for follow-up of procedures, handling of annexes, visibility of processing status, notifications and escalation.
  4. Online data transformation: It is the phase in which changes are made in the way of operating entities to organize services around the needs of citizens and businesses, with Virtual Single Windows and through the use of the Government Intranet.

    SmartJSP Solution: Combination of Portal / Intranet / Management of BPM processes and development services for integration with existing systems.
  5. Online democracy: This is the phase in which citizens are encouraged to participate actively in the decision making of the State and the construction of public policies involves the use of information and communication technologies.

    SmartJSP Solution: Combination of Portal / Intranet / Management of BPM processes and development services for integration with existing systems and Integration with Collaborative Software for the creation of communities and means of community participation such as forums, chat, wikis, surveys and other mechanisms safe way.




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