SmartVehiculos Logotipo

Integral Solution (ERP) 100% Web that manages all processes and services for the transport industry, fleet management, automotivemaintenance, logistics and related services.


SmartVehículos: is an integral administrative system  that is specialized on the transport sector, in a revolutionary free software (Open Source) model that:

  • Integrates the management of transport fleets (buses, trucks, cars and cargo vehicles).
  • Cargo Service: register, tracking and billing for service orders, loading remissions.     
  • Maintenance to transport fleets: workshops, preventive maintenance and event alerts.
  • Technical data sheet management, dispatches and routes.
  • Integral control on automotive maintenance workshops, including work order management, service classification, reports and technical specifications per vehicle.
  • Administration, Control and Station service registers (inventories)
  • Spare parts warehouse including integration with point of sale (POS), billing and inventory
  • Easy integration with satellite tracking services
  • Administrative and financial management, covering processes such as inventory control, Accounting, Financial collection, Purchases - Sales, Call Center and others in a mobile web environment, insurance in a friendly and flexible way.

It includes workflows at no additional cost, Document Management, Business Intelligence, indicators (KPI) on SmartPhones (Android technology) for Managers; It is multilingual and has manages various currencies allowing transparency in transactions between companies and countries, dramatically minimizing administrative costs and allowing decisions in real time.

SmartJSP as a solutions integrator of Open Source is your strategic ally in implementing  SmartVehículos which offers from among others the following features.


Integrated with SmartERP (Integrated Management System)

Transparently SmartVehículos integrates to SmartERP management solution which integrates the company's operations (Financial collection, Suppliers, inventory, manufacturing, accounting, etc.) minimizing everyday processes and optimizing decision making in real time.

We invite you to learn more details of our SmartERP solution

 Integrated with SmartPOS (Touchscreen Point of Sale)

SmartVehículos integrates with SmartPOS for billing processes and inventory control in cases where there are spare parts stores or similar activities.

We invite you to learn more details of our SmartPOS solution




From the vehicle file we can see the characteristics of the vehicle, its owners, managers, routes, drivers and management of itstires.



Below we have a video that in a complete and sumarized way presents our SmartVehículos solution.


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